
Virtual Spray Paint – Part 2 DIY

December 7, 2008 by Devin Reimer

The Virtual Spray Paint experiment works by mashing many different ideas together. At the heart of it is the use of the Wiimote. In this experiment, two Wiimotes are synced to a computer using a bluetooth adapter. Using WiiFlash and WiiFlashServer, the Flash application reads information sent from the two Wiimotes. One Wiimote is placed into the mock spray paint can, which is used for a remote button press and for motion detection. The other Wiimote is positioned in front of the screen, pointed at the user. Mounted on top of the spray can is an IR emitter which the Wiimote near the screen sees and uses to detect it’s current position.

Continue reading for step-by-step instructions on how to build your own Virtual Spray Paint project, as well as the source code for this project.

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Virtual Spray Paint – Part 1

November 9, 2008 by Devin Reimer

Wii Virtual Spray Paint Live Demo

Virtual Spray Paint is a concept that I have been working on for a while and it uses some techniques that are based on concepts by Johnny Chung Lee.

It enables you to use a “spray can” to virtually apply spray paint onto a projected surface. Pressing the button on the spray can causes digital ink particles to appear on the background. The spray will weaken overtime until the can is shaken.

Continue reading for information on how this works and to see a video demo.

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