
PlayModePersist – Unity Asset Store

January 11, 2011 by Devin Reimer

Have you ever wanted to make changes to a component in Unity while in Play mode and have them persist after you click stop? Have you ever accidentally made changes to a component while your game was playing and wish they could be saved?

After a lot of hard work I’m happy to announce ‘PlayModePersist’ is now available in the Unity Asset Store.

This Unity extension allows you to select which components on individual GameObjects you wish to persist and they will save automatically the moment you hit stop. No needed to copy and reapply your changes, no worrying about a “clipboard” being full. You are not limited to saving one component or one GameObject, you can persist as many component from as many GameObject as you would like.
Works with all component with script access including, Transform, Rigidbody, Physics Colliders and Joints, etc. Also supports custom built components. Complete list of supported components.

This feature is currently the #3 most requested editor feature and #10 most requested overall on

Best of all it is easy to use, while in Play mode just click the ‘PlayModePersist’ dropdown below the Transform title in the inspector and click the checkboxes for the component you wish to persist. Once you click stop their current state will be persisted.

Please use the comment section below to let me know what you think. Also giving it a rating in the Unity Asset Store would be greatly appreciated.

Note: If you don’t know how to use/access the Unity Asset Store, simply open up Unity, click Window->Unity Asset Store. You can find this item under ‘Extensions’.

Update: New link to PlayModePersist:

Special thanks goes out to Kevin Evans for his work that went into this extension.

Rigidbody Sleep Toggle – Unity Asset Store

January 6, 2011 by Devin Reimer

I’m happy to announce ‘Rigidbody Sleep Toggle’ is now available in the Unity Asset Store. What is ‘Rigidbody Sleep Toggle’ you ask? It’s an additional toggle (checkbox) called ‘Sleep On Awake’ that is placed at the bottom of the Rigidbody inspector. Clicking this checkbox automatically adds a custom component that makes that Rigidbody sleep at the start of the scene. This is sometimes very important to increase start up performance of your game. If your scene has lots of Rigidbodies they will all be in motion at the start of the game so preventing this can crucial.

While you could add a custom script yourself, this script not only saves time (just selecting/unselecting a checkbox), you can easily tell from within the Rigidbody component if it will be asleep at the start of the scene.

I have also added a menu option under ‘Edit’ that will allow you to in bulk make all Rigidbodies in your scene sleep on awake.

Now onto the best part, it’s now available in the Unity Asset Store for the low, low price of FREE.

Happy New Year Everyone! Please use the comment section below to let me know if you find it useful.

Note: If you don’t know how to use the Unity Asset Store, simply open up Unity, click Window->Unity Asset Store. You can find this item under ‘Extensions’.

Update: New link to Rigidbody Sleep Toggle:
Also I have now launched a new extension called PlayModePersist read about it here.